June turf tips



Time to check on your lawn mower, are the blades still sharp?  Dull mower blades tear the grass which promotes plant desiccation, it’s better to ‘cut’ the grass blades than to tear the grass blades, sharpen if needed. When the temperature rises, so should your mower deck. Cut your lawn at about 3 inches, this will allow the grass blades to shade the roots a little bit and keep them cooler. Watch out for White lawn Grubs! The most common grub in our area is the larval stage of Japanese Beetles and June Bugs. These larva or otherwise known as lawn grubs live in the soil and eat your grass roots which produces browned out spots made up of loose dead grass. Adult June Bugs and Japanese Beetles are actively depositing the next generation into your lawn now. Applying an insecticide will help control the larva before they finish their lifecycle (and your lawn!) Remember to change the direction you mow the lawn each time to avoid ruts.chris

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