May turf tips


Mow your lawn in different directions each time you mow; this will help prevent rutting your lawn and leaves a distinct pattern to your yard. Dandelions and other broadleaf weeds will start to show themselves. Now is the best time to apply a selective broadleaf herbicide. As the name suggests; a selective broadleaf herbicide targets weeds in your lawn that have broad leaves, most common are dandelion and clover, this herbicide will not damage your desirable grass plants such as bluegrass, ryes and fescues which make up a typical lawn in our area. Be careful when applying as these chemicals can burn grass if too much is applied in one area.  Always refer to the product label for instructions and safety concerns before applying.  Allow Mother Nature to water your lawn. Frequent light watering by the homeowner does not encourage deep root development and can result in weaker plants. Additionally, watering in the evening means grass plants remain wet overnight, which can encourage disease activity.chris

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