October turf tips


We’ve made it to Fall and the leaves are falling. Rake the leaves off your lawn to prevent them from matting down and smothering grass. I prefer to change my mower over to a “Mulching deck” to take care of the leaves. There is nothing like a nice sunny Saturday afternoon listening to a Badgers game and mulching leaves….Touchdown Wisconsin!!! A mulching mower chops leaves into small bits that can be left on the lawn where they will break down and add nutrients to the soil. Continue to mow and remove leaves until fall. Now is the time to aerate your lawn, the soil conditions this time will help ensure that you are able to get good penetration as you pull plugs from the turf.  Aerating helps to loosen the soil and allows for better air and moisture penetration. The end result is that you help enhance the grass root structure and ultimately achieve a thicker lawn.


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